
Evaluation of human psychophysiological reactions to advertising and other incentives. Measuring of emotions.


We measure and evaluate changes in brain and heart activity, changes in muscle tension, respiration, temperature and conductivity of the skin which are caused by perception of advertising – print, TV, internet, etc. This is an applied scientific method which reveals hidden physical reactions which people are not able to express in words or they don’t want to admit in classic questionnaire surveys. Results of neuromarketing research allow us to create advertising messages so that its content and form correspond to preferences of customers as much as possible.

Purpose and Objectives of the service

  • Substantial expansion of questionnaire surveys in which people may not be able / do not want to express their feelings
  • allows you to customize marketing communication into customer friendly forms
  • better and long-term satisfaction of customer needs – „tailor-made“ products
  • building customer loyalty – a satisfied customer likes to come back
  • valid information about customer preferences, supported by hard data and not by subjective impressions (emotions play the biggest role when deciding to purchase – what a customer likes / dislikes – about 85 % of human decision are emotional)
  • increase of brand memorability (by optimizing so called audio logo in radio or TV spot, packaging color etc.)
  • increase of advertising and marketing effectiveness thanks to more precise targeting
  • savings in financial costs for the purchase of media space – optimizing the number of advertising repeat based on results of testing the memory traces depth

What do we measure

By electronic imaging techniques we measure what  level of attention, emotional relationship (positive or negative) and level of remembering induce in customers following incentives:

  • printed – space advertising, leaflets, promotional materials at point of sale – POP / POS (suitability of used motives, photos, colors, shapes and texts including font size and style and attractiveness of its location in space)
  • audiovisual – television commercials, film sequences, product placement (performers likeability, attractiveness of scenes, response to mentions of company, growth or decrease of emotional level of a viewer / a customer in connection with the need to keep his attention)
  • sound – radio spots, background music in shops, audio logo (harmoniousness, volume level, suavity of melody, memorability)
  • olfactory – food, perfumes, toiletries (fragrances in relation to gender, age of target group or in relation to the brand as a part of image and corporate identity)
  • taste – food industry, hospitality (spiciness, salinity, sweetness of foods, flavor)

How do we measure

By using medical devices we evaluate psychophysiological indicators which varies by research respondents depending on the polarity and deep of felt emotion

  • bioelectrical activity in certain areas of the brain (EEG – electroencephalogram), two or four electrodes on the forehead and earlobe
  • bioelectrical activity of the heart (HRV – heart rate variability), two electrodes on the wrist
  • the frequency of heart beats (BVP – blood volume pulse), the pin sensor on the index finger
  • electric skin conductance (GSR – galvanic skin response, skin-galvanic reflex) sensor on the middle finger and the index finger
  • surface skin temperature (TEMP); sensor on the middle finger
  • the frequency and depth of chest and belly breathing (PNEUMO); respiratory sensor on belly
  • muscle tension (EMG – electromyogram) electrode on the trapezium muscle
  • eye movement, tracking the time of looking at individual objects (EYE); mobile eye camera (glasses)
  • to achieve representative results at least four described indicators need to be monitored, preferably more (multimodal measurement).

We can record a video during the measurement in order to detect nonverbal signs of respondents (eg, facial expressions, redness, discoloration, etc.) then the emotional significance explains targeted questions to respondents (qualitative analysis).

Test of memory traces depth is used to find out which incentives and in what level have been remembered by respondents (it can be realized several times with different time intervals).

The measured indicators are evaluated by special analytical software and interpreted by experts in psychology, marketing, sociology, see Our team.

Persons in the research sample are selected so that their socio-demographic typology appropriate to the structure of client´s target group. The optimal number of test subjects cannot be established universally, since it depends on the segmentation of the target group (the wider and more fragmented, the more respondents needed). The minimum is 20 people, preferably 70-100. Generally speaking, the larger the test sample is, the more accurate the results of the research will be.

Competitive advantages

  • professional testing and screening room located directly in our headquarters, see photos
  • Special tool and software equipment certified for use in medicine (32 records / sec. from one sensor, ie. 3840 records per 30 seconds with use of all 4 monitored indicators)
  • collaboration with the academic sphere
  • professional methodology
  • access to the latest scientific knowledge and innovations from abroad
  • research and publication activities
  • experienced specialists with practice in neuromarketing since 2008, see Our team